Poker odds ak vs ak

My local cardroom has a Texas Holdem jackpot promotion where if you hit a royal flush with AK suited as your hole cards (using both cards), you win. What are the odds of hitting this? So far, I know that there are 169 starting hands and AK suited is 4 possible hands so that is about 0.0237% of be...

KK vs xraise T : 6-max cash game poradna Jakuba Hovorky Party, $0.05/$0.10 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players Powered By - The Ultimate Suite. SB: $10 (100 bb) BB: $10.18 (101.8 bb) UTG: $10.30 (103 ... 300bb deep vs potencionální fish : 6-max cash game poradna Co s tím? S touhle handou jsem úplně bezradná Poker Stars, $0.02/$0.05 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 6 Players Powered By - The Ultimate Suite. SB: ... KQo vs min3bet : Alkáčova 5/6-max SNG poradna

Alaska. Alaska is located far to the north of the lower 48 states, and while AK is by far the biggest state in the Union, its climate is not conducive to mass habitation and even in 2019, Internet connections for gambling on poker websites for that matter.

Basic Poker Odds and Outs - Card Player If you ever wanted to know some of the odds and probabilities of Texas hold'em poker, from the chances of flopping a flush (0.8%) or set (12%) to the odds of an overcard coming on the flop when ... AK vs QQ? - Tournament Poker - CardsChat™ This is a discussion on AK vs QQ? within the online poker forums, in the Tournament Poker section; So in the tournament I'm playing with AK 3 bet get allin, and of course his calls, because the ... pre flop all-in ak vs pocket pairs - Beginning Poker ... Re: pre flop all-in ak vs pocket pairs I personally am unwilling to be all in with AK most of the time unless it's an mtt or sng. In ring games I'm willing to call a push if they are below half stacked for the buy in but if someone with more than that stack 3 or 4 bets me all in I might fold AK (if I'm not pot commited at that point). Forget math, use these 11 Texas Hold'em odds instead [2019]

QQ vs AK. preflop all in? - Cash Games - CardsChat

TT vs Resteal Rozbor : Poradna pro Fifty50 na PokerStars Ahoj, mám tu další handu, kterou jsem se snažil kompletně rozebrat, tak jen přitakávej nebo suď Hráč staty: 15vpip/12pfr/177hand/14resteal 5.8 3-bet/0 premium hand (QQ+,AK) PokerStars NL100, JJ vs overbet river : 6-max cash game poradna Jakuba Tak psolední handa měla pěknou diskuzi, ještě než si zajdu na grafomanský testy tak hodim další handu Vlastně ani nevím jestli je to nějak ultra ... AKs vs 2 all ins - Tournament Hand Analysis - CardsChat CO: 7,760 (19.4 bb) BTN: 16,995 (42.5 bb) SB: 20,295 (50.7 bb) BB: 22,170 (55.4 bb) Hero (UTG): 12,725 (31.8 bb) MP: 9,830 (24.6 bb)

What are the odds of facing AA or KK when holding AK? And ...

How to Play AK - The Ace-King starting hand. - AK unsuited vs. TT = 42.7% AK unsuited vs. 76 suited = 57.7% AK suited vs. 66 = 47.9% AK suited vs. QJ suited = 60.0%. Notice how the only hand that is even relatively dominated is QJ suited, and even that is somewhat tenuous. The AK is a dog to even a low pocket pair, and it is barely stronger than two suited middle cards.

Poker Math 301: Starting Hand Odds - Poker Sites

There is an old adage in the poker world that while stud is a game of live cards, hold’em is a game of high cards. There is a great deal of truth to that saying and it helps explain the love affair that exists between hold’em players and Ace-King – which is known throughout the poker world as “Big Slick” – and also what many call a suited AK; “Super Slick”. AK VS Pocket 10's really a coin flip? | Yahoo Answers AK VS Pocket 10's really a coin flip? ... In poker the odds for ak vs any pocket pair? More questions. On last nights game, the bears vs the packers, who thought that ...

Should I Fold QQ, KK, Or AK Preflop? | SplitSuit Poker